Digital Literacy - Transformasi dan karakterisktik

Introduction The basics of developing digital literacy are as follows:

 Increase proficiency in using digital devices and applications: Teachers need to have adequate knowledge about digital applications and devices such as computers or laptops, as well as the internet. This is important for creating innovative and effective learning media. 

 Understanding student characteristics and learning materials: Teachers must understand student characteristics and learning materials in order to choose appropriate innovative learning models. This will help in designing student-centered learning and can increase their learning motivation. 

 Utilizing innovative learning models: One approach that can be used is Problem Based Learning (PBL). This approach emphasizes student orientation to problems, organizing learning, improving individual and group performance, obtaining and analyzing results, and evaluating the problem solving process. 

 Identify learning activities that activate students: Teachers need to identify learning activities that can influence students and encourage their active participation in the learning process. This involves creativity and understanding what can motivate students to learn. 

 Pay attention to teacher competence and creativity: Key factors in developing Learning Implementation Plans (RPP) and Worksheets (LK) are teacher competence and creativity. Teachers must have adequate knowledge of learning material as well as the ability to create interesting and effective learning experiences for students. 

 By understanding and applying these basic principles, teachers can develop their digital literacy and create more effective and meaningful learning experiences for students.


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  2. Name: Oktavia Ramadhani
    NPM: 202230024

    Problem: Some students are still unable to speak basic English, as shown by their lack of use of English in daily learning activities.Furthermore, because the school does not have an English-improvement program, kids have no further opportunities for English-speaking practice outside of the classroom. As a result, kids lack confidence and have limited speaking skills. Teachers must be able to implement innovative learning models and master technology equipment, such as Android, to ensure students' learning experiences are engaging and effective. Teachers must recognize students' character and adapt to the digital age.

    Solving: By using Duolingo app
    Duolingo is a free online language platform that provides translation tasks for learning vocabulary and grammar (in the form of studying and practicing a given topic), as well as tasks to train pronunciation and listening.
    Teachers utilize the Duolingo application to enhance students' learning experience through technology-based media. This approach, combined with project-based learning models, creates a progressive impact on students, fostering confidence in speaking English and fostering critical thinking and independent collaboration.

    Result: In learning using the Duolingo application, teachers also apply project-based learning models and technology-based media to learning, producing a progressive impact on students themselves. With the presence of learning applications on Android, students can learn and gain knowledge outside the classroom. Then students are more confident in speaking English. Selection of the learning model PJBL-designed activities that are centered on students greatly improve student activity during the learning process, so students are motivated to learn.Then cultivate critical thinking and creative, independent collaboration with a group of friends so that students can determine a well-seen solution from an English-language video conversation product.

  3. I am trying to mention how important the role of technology in the context of the current situation. referring to the current context of Covid-19, the online class has played an important role in imparting knowledge to the student. Through technology (online classes) student are able to study their class properly while sitting at home. through this, on the one hand, tuey are able to study in their class. they are getting the opportunity to stay away from Covid-19

  4. Nama: Hevi Salmanda
    NPM : 202230011

    problem: game based learning is less effective when applied to large classes

    solving : several solutions to increase the effectiveness of game-based learning in large classes include:

    1. Use of Digital Platform: Using a digital platform that can adapt the game to different levels of difficulty.

    2. Collaboration Between Students: Encourages collaboration between students by dividing into small groups to play games together.

    3. Teacher Training: Provide training to teachers in managing game-based learning in large classes.

    4. Use of Assistants: Use additional classroom assistants to assist teachers in monitoring student progress and supporting interaction in the game.

    5. Flexible Game Development: Develop games that can be adapted to various skill levels and allow players to choose their own difficulty level.

    6. Optimize Physical Space: Ensure the classroom is designed to support interaction and collaboration between students during game-based learning.

    applications that can be used: kahoot , classcraft , prodigy , and quizizz

  5. Name: indri anisya
    Npm : 202230027

    Problem: If distance learning is conducted and Google Classroom can be accessed from various devices such as laptops, tablets, or smartphones, it allows students to learn from anywhere with internet access.
    Solution: Using an application that can be used for distance learning, besides that, Google Classroom also facilitates collaboration among students and facilitates access to educational resources online.
    Application used: Google Classroom.

    Thus, Google Classroom becomes a popular choice for distance learning due to its ease of use, accessibility, and collaborative features.

  6. Name: Nasywa Putri Syahvira
    NPM: 202230029

    problem: Some of us maybe feel kinda boring when learn or study something.

    Solving: Using Gamification(adding game mechanics into nongame environments, like a website, online community, learning management system or business' intranet to increase participation).
    So it's gonna be more fun to lear or study. We can use this apps, Duolingo, Quizziz, Khoot, any apps that can turn learning into a fun activity.

  7. Name: Yufi Puspita Sari
    Student ID: 202230025

    Issue: Personalized Learning, Enhanced Immersive Learning Experience, and Interactive Simulations

    - VR platforms can be customized to meet individual student needs, providing a more personalized and effective learning experience.
    - VR enables students to experience environments that may be challenging to access physically, such as visits to historical sites or explorations in the field of science.
    - With VR, students can engage in interactive simulations, allowing them to experience real-world situations without actual risks, such as scientific experiments or emergency drills.

    Outcome: With VR, students can participate in interactive simulations, enabling them to experience real-world situations without actual risks, such as scientific experiments or emergency drills.



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